Analysts say Apple may introduce a number of free basic services. Apple's best tablet laptop store a public rivals, including RIM, google android tablet pc review Google, Amazon and Microsoft have been at a disadvantage when you catch up with Apple's iTunes, which Apple launched the Apple iCloud even more help to strengthen its dominant position.
Apple has had with three of the four major record companies license music services to reach the cloud. Soon 3g android tablet review before the news that Apple reached an agreement with Universal Music Group, google android tablet pc review and then June 2, this information is confirmed, Apple has indeed been the world's largest record company Universal Music Group reached an agreement iCloud cloud music services do a good job preparation.Apple has been with Sony Music, Warner Music and EMI agreed by file storage on Apple's servers, allowing users to synchronize data without the use iPhone and iPad can listen to streaming music.Apple iCloud service will initially free, but only support songs purchased through iTunes. Apple also plans to introduce later this year package of $ 25 package to support music purchased through other channels.
iCloud allows users to upload music huawei android tablet review to Apple's server, and then played through the Apple networking products. Allegedly, google android tablet pc review the user can only use the original music purchased from iTunes. iCloud initially only for music, film and television programs will eventually be extended to iTunes and other digital content for sale.