
Hasbro sued asus "Transformer Prime" tablet infringement

According to the Los Angeles times reported online edition, transformers (Transformer) brand owners, toy google android tablet pc review manufacturers Hasbro (Hasbro) to asus court, charged with asus the Superpad 3 latest "Transformer Prime" tablet computer violated its trademark right, make consumers do not clear this brand is a toy or tablet computer. 

Hasbro have google android tablet pc review "Transformers" brand name, the company said is applying for "Transformers Prime" cartoons of the trademark. 

As noted, transformers Zenithink C91 toys, cartoons and movies a major player in the name is Optimus Prime (Optimus Prime). 

Asus and hasbro google android tablet pc review executives on Thursday that this message not could not be reached for comment. 

But, hasbro has said the lawsuit is to protect its "transformers" brand of a move. Hasbro says, will continue to actively to protect our brand and products.

